Monday, November 28, 2011

On 25th November 2011, S3 cluster had a HIW activity at Hortpark. We all had a blast at the park!

First we started with stretches to warm up the muscles and then we played a few round of rounders to sweat it off! :-)

It was very good warm up with Puay Cheong hitting home run all the time! The ball even went into the pond at one point! :-) Luckily we had a replacement ball to go on with the game.

Then we had an activity of walking around the park and enjoying the scenery at the same time.We were given names and pictures of plants and flowers around the park where we had to walk around hortpark to identify them. It was also a learning horticulture experience for some of us.

When the activities ended, we had all bonded and had become more comfortable with one another.We had fun!  :-)

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